Independent Contractor Agreement

This Agreement is made on by and between Insolar and Rep. 

WHEREAS, Insolar is engaged in the sales of residential and commercial solar PV systems and solar batteries. 

WHEREAS, Rep desires to originate Sales as independent contractor of Insolar on the terms contained herein. 

IN CONSIDERATION of the above and other valuable consideration, Insolar and Rep (collectively, the parties) agree, subject to applicable law, as follows: 

Referrals | Insolar shall for each installed solar system sold that was referred by rep, pay Rep 5% commission of the job’s cash contract sales price minus any additional project costs (e.g., Panel Upgrade). 

Teams | Rep will make a 10% commission override on all sold, installed and fully funded solar projects generated by Rep’s team. Override is on teammates commission, not sales price of system sold. 

Schedule of Payments: Payment is paid when system has been commissioned and we have been fully paid from funding source.

NON-CIRCUMVENTION: Rep agrees not to contact or initiate contact at any time for any purpose, either directly or indirectly, Insolar’s business Reps, installer Reps or any officers, directors, shareholders, consultants, attorneys, employees, agents, contractors or other Reps of Insolar unless such approval is specifically granted in written form by Insolar on a case-by-case basis.